While learning the DISCAsiaPlus model offers us a universal language to speak on the similarities and differences of people which is an important element to increase the capability of the workforce, having a readable and useable personality profiling report that focuses on practical applications in an easy to grasp format is a valuable toolkit.  The reports guide us in implementing our engagement strategies and talent development initiatives that are personalised to everyone from the top executives to the manual workforce.  Organisations are always seeking ways to transform their workforce to meet the competitive challenges and often the missing piece is the individual and collective insights of their people.  Knowing people’s innate behaviours provides a roadmap on how we should navigate sensitively organisational change to deliver business goals without demoralising or even disengaging your people.

The personality profiling reports have been designed to engage respondentsFull coloured charts of respondents’ profile are included.  It offers a pictorial summary of a respondent’s profile.  It is accompanied by a full-page profile description and many other organisation development modules meant to engage respondents.  Users have a choice to print descriptions based on the adapted environmental behaviours or the innate behaviours of respondents.  This allows a comparison of how respondents are adapting and coping with the requirements of the environment with their innate behaviours.  Reading the two charts and its accompanying profile descriptions often increase respondents’ self-awareness.

Other organisation related applications include the team development model and communication and dialogue models.  These reports have been structured around these models making the report highly practical and useful.  The reports include both the descriptive and prescriptive comments.  Descriptive insights on how respondents preferred to be managed and led provide invaluable knowledge for managers and their leaders.  The prescriptive insights provide a model on how leaders and managers can skillfully build on the descriptive insights and providing the wisdom to put it all to work.

The personality profiling reports have been designed at both the individual and team levels.  At the Individual level, the focus of the reports is to provide a penetrating and accurate description of respondents’ behaviours.  Features include strengths, potential risks, preferred environment, etc. that are meant to provide respondents with a deep appreciation of the contribution they bring to the organisation.  At the group level, insights about the group behavioural tendencies offer a rich tapestry on the wisdom to increase the team and group engagement and effectiveness.  Here is a list of the reports:

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